Our Manifesto 

Birds Eye View
As the United African Transformation (UAT), we call upon all patriotic men and women to commit to service and sacrifice for the betterment of the lives of ordinary native Africans who, after 30 years of democracy, still live in abject poverty and are still drawers of wood in their native land. We believe any political and economic policy formation that doesn’t factor in the economic transformation of Africans is bound to fail and will further entrench corruption, poverty, inequality, and crime. As we commemorate 30 years of democracy in South Africa, it's crucial to analyze our progress through a lens critical of neoliberal policies, particularly their impact on African communities. Here's our critique:
  • Economic Inequality
  • Resource Exploitation
  • Unemployment and Precarious Work
  • Privatization of Public Services
  • Corruption and Crony Capitalism
  • Marginalization of Indigenous Communities
  • Democratic Deficit
UAT’S Approach

1.     Policy Reforms: Implementing progressive policies within the existing capitalist framework can help mitigate the negative impacts of neoliberalism and advance socialist ideals:

2.   Community Empowerment: Empowering communities to advocate for their own interests and participate in decision-making processes is essential:


3.  Alliance Building: Forming alliances with like-minded political parties, civil society organizations, and international partners can strengthen efforts towards socialist transformation:

Economy & Job Creation

Implement Radical Economic Transformation policies and redistribute the South African economy and natural resources into the hands of the marginalized African communities, women, youth, and people living with disabilities. This will unlock employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for the African majority who are sidelined by the system.

Education & Training

UAT will provide free education in tertiary institutions and introduce one educational system in all schools while advancing nutritional programs from the foundation phase to higher education institutions.

On Basic Education: UAT will provide quality education to all students from the foundation phase until junior degree in higher education, with a focus on innovation and technology, entrepreneurship, business leadership, and the promotion and integration of (STEEMA) Science, Technology.

On Higher Education: Through NSFAS, we will fund the poor and the missing middle on their first degree and convert their fees into free bursaries if the student has done exceptionally well.

Health & Social Wellfare

Our mission is to provide compassionate and comprehensive support to individuals from birth to grave. We will provide housing, water, electricity and healthcare services to deserving indigent citizens. As a caring partner, we will offer a wide range of services tailored to meet our people’s needs. From mental health counselling to disability support, we will ensure that people receive the care and attention they deserve.  

Land & Agriculture

The United Africans Transformation (UAT) party envisions a future where Justice, Equity, and Prosperity prevail for all South Africans. Our manifesto is rooted in principles that address historical imbalances, empower communities, and foster sustainable development.

UAT stands committed to transforming historical injustices into opportunities for all South Africans. By championing equitable land redistribution, fostering education and inclusivity, and ensuring transparent governance, the UAT aims to create a future where every citizen can contribute to and benefit from the nation's prosperity. Let’s Get It Right and build a united, thriving, and transformed South Africa.


Water & Minerals

ON WATER: We will provide citizens with reliable, affordable-quality, clean, and safe drinking water. Invest and increase the capacity of the dams to secure water supply. Provide a minimum of 200 liters of water per day to every household and 25% of the maximum required supply to organisations that provide basic services. UAT will develop a model that supports the development of communal or shared boreholes.

ON MINERALS: UAT advocates for the nationalisation of all mineral resources and the beneficiation of raw materials within the country to provide sustainable, quality jobs and economic growth. To address the unjust forced relocations of communities by the mining companies and consult with the affected communities where minerals are discovered. 

Energy & Electricity

Ensure sustainable economic growth by eradicating load shedding through the nationalisation of coal minerals and banning its exports. Increase the capacity of coal power generation to provide constant power availability and charge independent power producers heavy levies to connect to the national grid. We will:

  • Implement skills enhancement programs that will bring new experts to maintain electrical infrastructure and lead the manufacturing of energy-efficient electrical products, as well as research and development within the energy sector.
  • Exempt all providers of essential services, such as schools and hospitals, from power interruptions, and we will give a free supply of one-kilowatt-hour backup electricity (1 unit) to every household.
  • Increase the capacity of coal-power generation and implement a massive maintenance program for the existing coal-powered power stations while gradually phasing out the aging infrastructure.
  • Increase the capacity of nuclear power generation and pebble bed reactors which is safe and sustainable. It is proven that investment in this field far outweighs the cost of its implementation.
  • Develop a hybrid energy system that will include solar, wind, gas, and other methods if available.
Roads & Rail Infrastructure
UAT will embark on a massive infrastructure development programme and build quality roads and rail infrastructure to move people and goods. Our road and rail infrastructure is collapsing at an alarming rate, as part of the United Africans Transformation, we will:  

  • Embark on a massive infrastructure development programme to build quality roads and eradicate potholes.
  • Embark on a massive infrastructure development programme to renovate railway lines and train stations to ferry goods while providing safe spaces.
  • Roll out a massive maintenance program to rectify the damage caused by entrepreneurs and corrupt public officials in newly developed townships where their infrastructure collapses within the first 10 years of completion.
  • Increase the capacity of nuclear power generation and pebble bed reactors which is safe and sustainable. It is proven that investment in this field far outweighs the cost of its implementation.

We will establish pothole war rooms in the provincial and municipal spheres of government that will expeditiously work together to fix potholes.

Crime & Corruption

UAT will address the significant threat of crime in the nation. Strengthen law enforcement and justice systems through increased police presence, advanced surveillance technology, and judicial reforms. Social interventions and empowerment strategies include prioritising education, rehabilitation programs, and youth engagement to reduce the appeal of criminal activities. Enhancing community safety involves public awareness campaigns, improved security measures, collaboration with the private sector, and addressing substance abuse. 

Women, Youth & People with Disability

In pursuit of a truly inclusive and empowered African society, which aims to Elevate, Empower and Transform - We envision a future where African Youth, Women, Children, the Elderly and People living with Disabilities thrive in a society that values their contributions and their rights are protected.